Eye Health
The sun is a complicated star. Similarly, the sunlight we get from it is even more complicated. In the summertime, you often spend long periods of time out in the sun. You put sunblock on your skin, but what about your eyes?
Astigmatism is a common eye condition in which your lens, or cornea, in particular, is not shaped the way it is supposed to. Your eyeball has the shape of a perfectly round object.
Getting routine health checkups, in general, do wonders for your body. You get an overlook on your health and get a heads up about possible diseases or other health issues. But when it comes to eye exams, the majority tends to neglect the importance of these checkups.
Computer glare is annoying. It leaves you with a headache and does not let you use your phone without tearing your eyes up. Unfortunately, no good comes from computer glare. We know technology has made it this far, and we have every reason to be grateful.
Your eyes are one of the most important parts of your body. These are incredibly delicate and sensitive organs that require certain nutrients and vitamins to do their work with ease. Common eye diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, and weak eyesight are often caused due to the negligence of consuming eye-healthy nutrients.
At some point in life, most of us will need reading glasses. Many of us just buy them at our local drugstore. That may be the easiest way to go, getting non-prescription magnifiers right off the circular rack, but is this good for your eyes?
Night blindness is a common eye problem. As the name suggests, it is the inability to see clearly in dark environments, particularly experienced at night time. Also known as nyctalopia, people suffering from this condition cannot see clearly or see at all in dimly lit environments.
Cataracts are one of the most commonly known eye diseases that every 4/10 people suffer from at least once in their lives. The elderly are more likely to be a victim of this disease. People who live for more than 80 years are given a high chance of getting a cataract in either one or both of their eyes.
Having told by your optometrist that you have weak eyesight might not have been the best news to you. But for now, you have to make a difficult decision. You obviously need something to help you see clearly. The two options available are either contacts or glasses.
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